Do I really need winter tyres?

Monday 6 January, 2014

Winter tyres – are they for me?

If like me you have been hearing about the artic style winter we are all expecting; you may be panicking about the school run or the journey into work during the next 3 months or so.  If you need to be able to rely on your vehicle and fear being without it, then read on!

We are Russell Automotive Centre; London’s leading independent specialist in Audi, VW, Seat, Skoda & Bentley.  We are able to replace your current tyres with Winter tyres to keep you moving in the colder weather.

As your tyres are your vehicles only contact with the road then having a firm grip is a vital job description for the rubber!

Winter tyres clear water from the surface of the road much more effectively and the  grooves, of the tyre grip snow well.  The rubber compound is much more suitable and pliable to winter conditions then ‘normal’ tyres.

Winter tyres work well when the temperature drops to below 7 degrees celcius (approx. October – March).

The beauty of winter tyres is that you can store them during the summer months and use them again the next year (and following years as long as they are still in roadworthy condition) This makes them quite cost effective.

Winter tyre prices start at around £40 fully fitted.  For more information and a quote please call us on 0208 2000 995.


Book in your Audi, VW, Bentley, SEAT or Skoda using our form or call our team on 0208 2000 995.

Fleet Manager, Fleet Van Servicing Centre North London.

Whilst travelling to you you ordered the part, and an hour after my initial call my van was on the lift and a new starter-motor was being fitted. An hour later I was on my way back to work. I cannot thank you enough for your help. Not only did you go out of your way to keep us working, you did it at a very sensible price.


Your local Audi, VW, Seat, Skoda & Bentley garage in North London